Triathlon Backpacks & Bags
Triathlon Backpacks and Bags are designed to help triathletes carry their gear, make more efficient transitions between disciplines and keep all their equipment well organised. There is a wide variety of types of backpacks, bags, shoulder bags and waist packs with different features and designs that can be tailored to suit the personal tastes of the athlete. backpacks are worn on the back with straps that pass over both shoulders, distributing the weight evenly, making them ideal for carrying heavy loads or for activities that require constant movement. bags are usually worn slung over one shoulder or held in one hand. They are ideal for everyday use and for casual situations. Shoulder bags are a sort of combination of backpacks and bags, because they are worn across the body and held on one shoulder. The sling bags are small bags worn around the waist, usually on the front or side of the body, which are fastened with an adjustable strap.
Another important aspect when choosing a backpack is the capacity and volume, usually expressed in litres. The capacity and volume of a backpack refers to how much space it has inside to hold your gear and belongings. Choosing the right capacity will depend on the duration of your activity and the amount of equipment you need to carry. Backpacks with a between 10 and 30 litres capacity are ideal for day trips, short hikes or activities that require only the essentials, such as a jacket, food and water. Backpacks with a capacity of between 30 and 50 litres are suitable for day trips or excursions lasting a couple of days. They have enough space for clothes, cooking equipment and a small store. Finally, backpacks with a capacity greater than 50 litres can accommodate enough gear and clothing for multi-day treks.
Triathlon backpacks and bags can be made with different technologies for a specific purpose in terms of sustainability, protection from the elements and odour management. Bluesign is a standard and certification system that focuses on sustainability and responsible resource management in the textile industry. Companies that comply with the bluesign standards commit themselves to produce textile products in a more sustainable and environmentally friendly way. The bluesign system assesses and controls the entire life cycle of a product, from the manufacture of materials to the final product, ensuring that the environmental impact in terms of energy use, water, chemicals and emissions is minimised. Polygiene is an antimicrobial technology used to control the growth of bacteria and odours in sportswear. This means that garments treated with Polygiene can be worn several times before laundering, which saves water and energy, and what's more, prolongs the life of the garment. At Deporvillage, you'll find that Polygiene is the most effective way to control the growth of bacteria and odours in sportswear.
At Deporvillage you will find a wide selection of the best brands for backpacks and triathlon bags. Orca, Zone3 and Sailfish are some of the most popular brands among triathletes.