Seal Skins
The seal skins are one of the essential elements for ski touring. They fit over your skis and allow you to climb the slope without sliding backwards. They are ideal for beginners, who are spared the extra effort, as well as for competitive skiers. Also relieves the strain of those who have to carry heavy loads on their backs. When choosing the most suitable one, the width of the skate should be taken into account. Today, there are three models of sealskins: mohair, synthetic and mixed. The former are used for competition. Known for their sliding and anti-recoil effect which is very effective. On the other hand, these leathers require real maintenance because they are fragile and quickly damaged. Synthetics, on the other hand, are ideal for specific practices. These are ultra-light and very strong. Finally, the mixed ones are the most commonly used. They offer good sliding quality, a good anti-recoil effect and excellent durability.