Squirt Lube
productsA group of friends and mountain bike enthusiasts came up with the idea to manufacture a biodegradable wax lube that wouldn’t turn black and leave sprocket marks on one’s calf. After extensive testing in the harsh South African conditions, they discovered that wax lube was effective and long lasting. The lube was named Squirt and made its way to South African shops.
Squirt was launched in the United States in 2004 and legends Ned Overend, Mike Closer and Travis Brown were the first to endorse it. Giant was the first major US distributer of Squirt. Following Squirt Chain Lube’s success, Squirt BioBike Wash, Squirt Sweatsucker, Squirt Slurp, Squirt Seal and Squirt Barrier Balm were launched to the market.
What started out as a hobby turned into a full-time occupation for the partners doing what they enjoy: working in the field of cycling and what they can to protect the environment.