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The history of DMT stems from a passion for the art of footwear and its activity is centred in the Veneto region that for centuries has been a world leader in the production of high quality footwear.

It is a story made of ancient and new knowledge, and that is consolidated through the direct relationship between experienced professionals and trainees, learning new technologies and new production processes. The skilful use of the hands, mixed with the passion of the entire DMT team is what makes a difference at high level.

The great power of DMT lies in its team of skilful and motivated men and women, and a work organisation that has its roots in the early 80s. The DMT craftsmen represent the maximum expression of rigor and precision. DMT has achieved an elite team, selecting the best engineers and artisans in the sector, a small world of passionate and thoughtful people with a single purpose: to give their best every day in order to produce unmatchable cycling shoes.

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